MDG Professional Services


Social Media Can Make You a Better Leader

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For managers and leadership at any company, time is often tight. You’ve got a lot on your plate as it is, and adding the maintenance of social media accounts to the pile can seem like [...]

MDG Strategic Business Advice

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Running a business is all-consuming. With pressure to make the ‘right’ decisions whilst working ‘in’ your business, many business owners find there is little time left to carry out the important task of working ‘on’ [...]

Pension Schemes Audit

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Our specialist team of experienced Auditors service a wide range of Occupational Pension Schemes, guiding and assisting Pension Scheme Trustees on their complex statutory obligations. Our team have a wide range of skills and expertise [...]

What is the executor of a will?

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Being named as an executor in a will is an important responsibility, and means you’ll have earnt the trust of the person making the will. But what do the responsibilities of an executor entail, who [...]

Personal Financial Planning

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We believe that financial planning is an ongoing relationship where we can support you and help you to achieve the goals in your life. We recognise that whilst we move through a series of key [...]

3 Ways Teamwork Doesn’t Work and How to Avoid These Pitfalls

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Just because you've relabeled a group of people in the same room a team does not mean they will work as a team.Nothing gets accomplished in business -- or in life, for that matter [...]



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