Our specialist lawyers look to find legal tax solutions, tailored to clients’ needs and requirements. We take a long term view, ensuring you stay compliant and your wealth is protected for the future.

Setting up and administering a trust
Trusts can be a very effective way of managing your wealth now and in the future. They can hold a wide range of assets such as property, shares or family heirlooms.

A trust gives assets to people you choose (the trustees) to hold for the benefit of others (the beneficiaries). It can be set up during your lifetime (by using a trust deed) or upon death (by inclusion in your Will) and can be used as a practical tool for inheritance tax (IHT) planning.

Our specialist team will advise you on the type of trust to suit your circumstances and work with you on the ongoing administration of trusts, providing practical and realistic advice that is suitable for your lifestyle.

Professional trustee services
The benefits of appointing independent professional trustees are considerable. Not least to avoid a potential conflict of interest, but often complex trusts require specialist knowledge, expert opinion and years of experience to ensure the right trust is created for your needs and managed effectively.

Our partners value the trust placed in us by our clients and we regularly act as independent professional trustees, often for complex trusts holding property, investments and cash. We place great emphasis on our professional, objective and confidential approach and will do everything we can to protect your wealth.

If you require more information contact us today and a member of our team can help you.