MDG PROF continue to strictly observe the relevant Governmental directives and advice that exists and we remain flexible in our approach to adapt when circumstances change. Our key objective is to ensure the health and safety of our staff and our clients.

As lockdown measures continue to change, we will continue to update our guidance:

Clients visiting our offices

  • We can carry out client meetings virtually or in person. If you would like to meet face to face then we are happy to do so, but please be mindful that there are additional procedures in place to ensure everyone’s safety
  • Meetings are by appointment only – to ensure those staff members are on site when you visit
  • If you are dropping off your records, please wear a face covering when entering reception
  • If you display any Covid-19 symptoms, or have come into contact anyone with symptoms and you have arranged a face to face meeting, please get in contact to cancel

Please be reassured that we take the health and safety of our staff and clients very seriously and have introduced a number of measures that include:

  • Our offices are subject to a greater cleaning regime than normal, with touch points being minimised and cleaned very regularly
  • Risk assessments (available on request) have been carried out in all of our offices, the relevant procedures have been actioned and will be reviewed regularly
  • Strict 2m social distancing is being observed
  • Most staff are working from home and will continue to do so

If there is anything we can do to help, please do not hesitate to contact us.