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About Us
At MDG Professional Services Ltd., we believe in providing bespoke advice in collaboration with trusted professional associates in the worlds of family law and tax planning. We strongly believe that a client gets a superior service when accountancy, family law and financial planning advice are amalgamated as part of a united team to provide a service that is second to none.
MDG Services
Our Clients Focus





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Social Media Can Make You a Better Leader
For managers and leadership at any company, time is often tight. You’ve got a lot on your plate as it is, and adding the maintenance of social media accounts to the pile can seem like [...]
MDG Strategic Business Advice
Running a business is all-consuming. With pressure to make the ‘right’ decisions whilst working ‘in’ your business, many business owners find there is little time left to carry out the important task of working ‘on’ [...]
Pension Schemes Audit
Our specialist team of experienced Auditors service a wide range of Occupational Pension Schemes, guiding and assisting Pension Scheme Trustees on their complex statutory obligations. Our team have a wide range of skills and expertise [...]
What is the executor of a will?
Being named as an executor in a will is an important responsibility, and means you’ll have earnt the trust of the person making the will. But what do the responsibilities of an executor entail, who [...]
Personal Financial Planning
We believe that financial planning is an ongoing relationship where we can support you and help you to achieve the goals in your life. We recognise that whilst we move through a series of key [...]
3 Ways Teamwork Doesn’t Work and How to Avoid These Pitfalls
Just because you've relabeled a group of people in the same room a team does not mean they will work as a team.Nothing gets accomplished in business -- or in life, for that matter [...]