, exemptions, deductions When it comes to planning for your taxes, few considerations are more important than understanding the concept of tax considerations. Tax considerations refer to the ways in which individuals and businesses may benefit from tax savings, exemptions, and deductions when filing their taxes. As tax laws can be complex and ever-changing, it is important to have a firm understanding of the different types of available exemptions, deductions, and other tax savings. One way to save on taxes is through taking exemptions. An exemption is a form of reduction from one\’s taxable income as determined by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). Individuals can take deductions for certain sources of income, such as income derived from Social Security, certain disability payments, certain forms of retirement income, and some forms of student loan payments. Meanwhile, businesses may take exemption deductions for basic expenses, such as rent, utilities, and wages and salaries. Deductions are another way individuals and businesses may save on taxes. A deduction is a reduction from taxable income for certain expenses that are related to the operations of one\’s business. Common deductions include expenses associated with travel, advertising, insurance, office supplies, and depreciation on assets. Businesses may also deduct certain amounts related to investments or charitable contributions, if allowable. Another, less common, way to save on taxes is by taking advantage of available tax credits. Tax credits are deductions that are applied after income tax has been calculated